heading. . .見出し
H1〜H6 (見出し1〜見出し6
unordered list. . .順不同リスト
ordered list. . .番号付きリスト
preformatted text. . .整形済みテキスト
excludes markup for images and changes in font size, e.g. [IMG|OBJECT|BIG|SMALL|SUB|SUP]
paragraph. . .段落
definition list. . .定義リスト
generic language/style container. . .区画
long quotation. . .引用区画 Block-like Quotes
属性 | 属性値の型 | 必須? | 注釈 |
cite | %URI; | #IMPLIED | URI for source document or msg |
interactive form. . .対話式のフォーム
属性 | 属性値の型 | 必須? | 注釈 |
action | %URI; | #REQUIRED | server-side form handler |
method | (GET|POST) | GET | HTTP method used to submit the form |
enctype | %ContentType; | "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" | |
onsubmit | %Script; | #IMPLIED | the form was submitted |
onreset | %Script; | #IMPLIED | the form was reset |
accept-charset | %Charsets; | #IMPLIED | list of supported charsets |
horizontal rule. . .水平区切り線
table. . .表
属性 | 属性値の型 | 必須? | 注釈 |
summary | %Text; | #IMPLIED | purpose/structure for speech output |
width | %Length; | #IMPLIED | table width |
border | %Pixels; | #IMPLIED | controls frame width around table |
frame | %TFrame; | #IMPLIED | which parts of frame to render |
rules | %TRules; | #IMPLIED | rulings between rows and cols |
cellspacing | %Length; | #IMPLIED | spacing between cells |
cellpadding | %Length; | #IMPLIED | spacing within cells |
%reserved; | reserved for possible future use | ||
datapagesize | CDATA | #IMPLIED | reserved for possible future use |
form control group. . .
information on author. . .アドレス